Oxford Stand Bobbins M6 (1.0 Thread) - Black

Regular price $29.90
Tax included.

Bobbins make fitting a rear paddock stand to your bike much easier and quicker. Frame Forks must be fitted to the rear paddock stand before bobbins can be used. Makes fitting a rear paddock stand to your bike much easier and quicker.


  • Does not mark the bike's swing arm.
  • The majority of bikes have pre-threaded holes in their swing arms to fit bobbins.
  • Some bikes have uneven swing arms, making the use of bobbins the only way to safely fit a rear paddock stand.
  • Size: M6 x 1.00 thread


Consult your bike manufacturer for the bolt and thread size required for your bike.

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173 Clyde Street
West Invercargill, Invercargill 9810

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:30pm
Sunday: Closed

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